Surviving vs. Thriving.
- There are two types of people: the ones that just want to survive, gather firewood and eat berries. There are other people who want to thrive: hunt and create a large shelter.
- Description of the daily cycle
- Derek was in the same position several years ago.
- Derek knew things had to change.
- What would happen if you decided to stop surviving and start thriving?
- No matter how great you are at your job or what you contribute, you might be stuck
- Making different choices
- Why would you not better yourself if you are unhappy?
- Look at your life and make the call
- Life is too short to settle
- Look at your life, figure out the areas where you're holding on.
Key Quotes
"You don't take the steps to get better, you just continue accepting the monotony of everyday and barely making enough money to get by. Whose fault is it at that point that you're just barely surviving?"
"Maybe you have a unique set of experiences in a way that you can help someone. By educating yourself and honing those skills, you could provide enough value to the marketplace that would allow you the freedom to get away from what you're doing right now."