Rad Rich is a Houston Icon, he has been in the music scene coming up on 40 years. He is HUGH in the Punk Rock and Hip Hop scene! He has hosted many radio shows in Houston from Punk, Rock, Hip Hop, News, Sports and many other different genres of music. While being a radio Host and DJ over the last 4 decades, Rad was also a Bicycle Messenger/Courier in the mid 80's and throughout the earlier 2000's. He has just become the LONGEST interview that I've ever done on The Humidity Podcast! lol 3 Hours and 30 mins.
So get ready for some stories because RAD knows EVERYBODY!
The first 1 hour and 18 mins we talk about him in the music scene, after that we chat about Bike Messenger stuff for about 1 hour and the last hour and some change we are in and out about music and bike messenger topics.
Get your popcorn or drink of choice ready to listen to some Rad Rich stories!