<体毛を英語で> Eyebrows(眉毛): Some Japanese people have short eyebrows. Eyelashes(まつ毛): Many young ladies wear eyelash extensions for longer eyelashes. Beard(あご髭): In many cold places, men wear big beards. Mustache(口ひげ): Many young boys want to grow a mustache. Goatee(ヤギ髭): A nice goatee is hard to maintain. Sideburns(頬ひげ): Having only sideburns was a famous style in the 70’s. Armpit hair(脇の下の毛): In some countries, women don’t shave their armpit hair. Nose hair(鼻毛): My grandfather has long nose hair. 詳しくはこちらの記事をどうぞ!http://eigo2020.jp/facial-hair/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eigo20... twitter: https://twitter.com/Eigo2020