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英語学習の壁を一緒に乗り越えよう! 英語上達のためにみんなの英語の悩みを聞くライブです。
【EIGO2020】 今回は、動詞goの使い方について。行き先を言う時は前置詞toを入れます。前置詞はちっぽけな言葉ですが、わすれると意味が変わってしまいます… **レッスンのポイント** I go America. =誤 I go to America. =正 **スクリプトと詳しい説明** facebook: twitter:
【EIGO2020】 VとBの発音の違いについて。一度間違えればあまりに強烈なので、覚えます… **スクリプトとブログ記事** facebook: twitter:
【EIGO2020】 今回は、マイナーな臓器の名前と働きを紹介します。身体器官シリーズはこれでおしまい… **語彙と例文** Liver(肝臓):The liver converts toxic things into less harmful forms. /The liver can regenerate itself. Diaphragm(横隔膜):Diaphragm is a muscle organ that separates the chest from the stomach area. /Skilled singers are able to control their diaphragm. Spleen(脾臓):The spleen produces and destroys cells. /The boxer got a ruptured spleen from the fight. Pancreas(膵臓):Pancreas releases insulin. /The pancreas has an irregular shape. Gallbladder(胆のう):Gallbladder is a pear shaped sack that releases bile. /Normal people don’t know what the gallbladder does. **スクリプトとブログ記事** facebook: twitter:
【EIGO2020】 消化器官の働きって英語で何て説明するんだ…?例文つき! **語彙と例文** Stomach(胃): The stomach is a sack like organ that breaks down food. /It can be dangerous to drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Small intestine(小腸): Small intestine absorbs many types of nutrients. / I think intestines are popular in Japan. To eat that is. Kidneys(腎臓):Kidneys are two bean shaped organs that filter out waste. / Some people donate their kidneys to family members. Large intestine(大腸): Large intestine. It’s a wide organ that absorbs water from food. **スクリプトとブログ記事**
【EIGO2020】 外国人の患者さんが来て困っているドクターへ <英語で”臓器”> Brain(脳):The brain controls all the functions of the body./ Good sleep increases brain function. Heart(心臓):The heart pumps blood through the body./ Most smart watches can monitor your heart rate. Lungs(肺): The lungs take in oxygen, and release carbon dioxide./ Humans can live with only one lung. Skin(皮膚):Make sure you take care of the skin with lotion. 詳しくはこちらの記事をどうぞ! facebook: twitter:
<体毛を英語で> Eyebrows(眉毛): Some Japanese people have short eyebrows. Eyelashes(まつ毛): Many young ladies wear eyelash extensions for longer eyelashes. Beard(あご髭): In many cold places, men wear big beards. Mustache(口ひげ): Many young boys want to grow a mustache. Goatee(ヤギ髭): A nice goatee is hard to maintain. Sideburns(頬ひげ): Having only sideburns was a famous style in the 70’s. Armpit hair(脇の下の毛): In some countries, women don’t shave their armpit hair. Nose hair(鼻毛): My grandfather has long nose hair. 詳しくはこちらの記事をどうぞ! facebook: twitter:
【EIGO2020】 <上半身の描写表現> Neck: Ostriches have long necks.(ダチョウの首は長い) Torso: Most basketball players have long torsos.(バスケットボール選手はほとんど皆胴体が長い) Lower back: I don’t have a strong lower back.(私は腰が強くない) Shoulder: He has broad shoulders.(彼は肩幅が広い) Elbow: My elbow is hard.(私の肘は硬い) Wrist: Her wrists are small.(彼女の手首は細い) Fingers: You don’t have skinny fingers.(あなたの指は細くないね) Belly: She has a flat belly.(彼女はお腹が引き締まっている) Stomach: They have a big stomach.(彼らは腹が出ている) 上半身の筋トレ用語を知りたい人はこちら! facebook: twitter:
The podcast currently has 36 episodes available.