PERSONAL BRAND TALK Cam Roberts Podcast Show

Hypernomics with Doug Howarth #261

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Podcast Show Notes:

  • What is Hypernomics and when it is used
  • The future models for problem solving
  • Finding hidden market positions using unseen mathematical dimensions
  • Determine proper pricing based on the competition and known market activity.

Discoverer of Hypernomics and co-holder of its first patent CEO of Hypernomics, Inc. | Author of the upcoming book to be published by Wiley: Hypernomics: Using Hidden Dimen- sions to Solve Unseen Problems 

Doug Howarth's life has been an extraordinary jour- ney of personal challenges and groundbreaking disco- veries. When he was just fourteen, he became fascinated by the possibilities beyond the coordinate systems taught in school. Little did he know that this curiosity would intersect with a battle against failing kidneys that lasted for over three decades. 

After receiving a life-saving kidney donation from his best friend, Tim Schreiner, Doug ex- perienced a remarkable transformation. His mind, which had been clouded for years, sud- denly became clear. It was during a simple shopping trip with his wife that he had a groundbreaking realization. Watching her effortlessly solve a complex problem in her head, Doug discovered the concept of Hyper- nomics-a fascinating field that explores me- asurable actions in markets using dimen- sions we hadn't considered before. 

With his newfound clarity and passion, Doug foun- ded Hypernomics Inc. There, along with two others in his company, they developed the world's first sof- tware capable of analyzing markets in four or more dimensions, for which they were awarded a US Patent. Hypernomics Inc. has worked for NASA, Virgin Galactic, and Lockheed Martin. Now, Doug is excited to share his revolutionary ideas with the world through his upcoming book, "Hypernomics: Using Hidden Dimensions to Solve Unseen Pro- blems," which will be available in January 2024. 

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PERSONAL BRAND TALK Cam Roberts Podcast ShowBy Cameron Roberts

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