We cannot change the behavior of others, but we can surely change the way that we respond and accept their behavior. During today's episode, we ask that you identify what you yourself are allowing into your own lives that need to stop now. What choices and actions will you take to put an end to any form of abuse and or neglect that you are currently allowing others to bring into your precious life? It's time that we love and respect ourselves enough to know that we need to discontinue, reject, refuse walk away from, shut down anything that we should no longer allow in our lives-including people. As allows we;d love to hear your feedback on our episodes and on ways that we can continue to help you all grow. Together we can grow. Come grow with us.
Contact Us: Instagram @hypnotiqsoulpodcast email [email protected]
Nicole Single Mom’s Empowerment Life Coaching [email protected]
Micheala www.ascendingsunflower.com email [email protected] Instagram @ascendingsunflowercreations
Satin - Saturals www.satinsnaturals.com, Instagram @saturals, email [email protected]