Van Ethan Levy who uses pronoun series they and elle for those who speak Spanish. they are an autistic, queer, trans, non binary, 1st generation, Latine/x, Jewish, Egyptian, disabled person who is dually licensed as a mental health therapist, an author, a producer, a director, an app developer, a trainer, educator, advocate, activist and so much more all surrounding on how to create a safer world for all people and not just privileged identities.
Affirming Care for Voice and Communication
Assessment & Letter Writing
Beyond Survival and Wounding: Creating Nourishing Communities
Building Self Compassion for Non Cis Folx
Call to Action on Supporting Trans and Non Binary Folx
Clinical and Ethical Considerations in Diagnosing, Note-Writing and Record Keeping for Trans/Non Binary Clients
Discovering Disabled Deviance
Exploring Autism with Trans Clients
How to Support Non Cis Folx
Making Birth Safer for Every Body
Moving Beyond Biological Essentialism
Navigating the Legal System as a Trans Non Binary Parent of a Trans Child
NeuroQueering the Therapy Room: Exploring the Intersection of Trans & Neurodivergent Identity & Development
Queer and Trans Histories and Futures
Queering Therapy: Engaging & Re-Defining Poly Dynamics as a Therapist
Reinforcing Equity, Psychological Safety and Inclusion in the Workplace
Supporting Autistic YouthSponsored by Out Front Magazine!