Woohoo! We recorded Episode 2 of 2nds Count! The show is getting better and better and I’m more excited to do the NEXT episode! The better we get, the more fun it is. It also gets easier. Getting setup is faster, recording and editing is smoother and writing quality show notes is easier. We’re still in the infant stage, but growing rapidly!
What’s the biggest lesson learned from Episode 1 to Episode 2? Prepare. Get those pre-show notes written, jotted or even just remembered, but be prepared. If you have a co-host make sure you know what both are bringing to the discussion. I even like the idea of a specific structure that you try to keep to. We’re working on that. In the end, preparation made the show run smoother and made for far less editing.
What is over editing? I’m sure there’s many ways to over edit, but I speak of cutting things out where it’s noticeable post production. Skips, snaps, odd noises. Sometimes you just need to leave an umm and ya’ know in there so that the end result sounds natural. When you edit, don’t be afraid to listen to what it sounds like after you alter and/or cut something out. Sounding natural in the end is the key. I’ve got some work to do on this, but it’s getting there! Practice makes better!
Swearing! Swearing, not in excess, serves a purpose in our language and it’s not just sounding crude. It helps to portray the severity of that particular statement as well as mentally relieving that severity. How should it be handles in the show? We bleeped out the swears in Ep. 1 & 2 and neither of us are happy with them. We can try reversing them instead, like we do here, but what else is there? You can cut them out, but for the reasons above, we’d prefer not to.
We changed themes on the wordpress blog! Now it matches IWTSADP….sooooo should we change this one? It just fits the show better and didn’t like the old one. Also, the show notes came out great! We also discovered the “Add Media” + URL allows you to easily embed a youtube video instead of just linking to it as well as embed the show itself with a basic audio player! Way better than just having a link to launch a new window!
We’ll be looking to buy the URL for the show and this one as well. The one for 2C though is ‘unavailable’ unfortunately. With some digging via a whois lookup I found it’s actually ALMOST freed up….it’s in it’s redemption period. Which means that the owners time for saving the domain is almost up…then it shall be mine!
Final exciting bit….Trav may getting the Audiotechnica ATR 2100!
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Thanks as always to Audionautix for the production music!