Why is STEAM important? STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math) is everywhere; in the mobile devices that can be found everywhere, in the cars that we drive, and in everyday articles, such as, a microwave, and a fridge. STEAM holds the keys to the future of our planet, for it’s how we will stop climate change, how we will continue to better healthcare, and how we will make a technologically developed world. Today, my guest Laura Plata, a freshman in high school, has taken her passion for inquiry to create a path to inspire others to love and learn about the power of STEAM. Laura launched the platform STEAMinis during the pandemic to spark interest. STEAMinis is an initiative with the goal of helping kids spark a desire to learn STEAM. STEAMinis will do this through interactive workshops in both English and Spanish. STEAMinis wants to help bring access and awareness to kids who may otherwise not have much exposure to STEAM. Learn more: https://www.steaminis.org/en/