In this eye-opening episode, Pastor Monica explores the impact of our choices—specifically, toxic choices that can shape our lives. Join us as we dive into the following key points:
The Gift of Choice:God has bestowed upon us the incredible gift of choice. Our decisions have far-reaching consequences, affecting our thoughts, emotions, words, and behavior.Despite living in a fallen world, our ability to choose is essential. It’s through our choices that we experience growth, transformation, and purpose.Understanding Toxic Choices:Toxic choices—those that lead to emotional regret, doubt, and unforgiveness—can linger in our minds and hearts.We’ve all faced consequences resulting from poor decisions. But there’s hope.Responsibility:Taking responsibility for our choices and subsequent actions is crucial. We can’t blame external factors; we must own our decisions.Deuteronomy’s Call to Choose Life:Deuteronomy 30:19 reminds us that we have a choice between life and death, blessing and cursing.Today, we hold the power to bless or curse, to choose life over death. God desires abundant lives for us.Interview with Jay Powell:Jay Powell, a friend who also faced toxic choices, shares his journey toward making healthier decisions.His story inspires us to change the course of our lives by choosing wisely.Tune in to discover how you can break free from toxic choices and embrace a life of purpose and blessing.
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