Dr Cara Antoine Esteemed colleague, friend, innovation activist, women in leadership role model, Tech4good champion, Technologist, Empowerment guru, Advocate for STEM, diversity and Equity, a light house in the industry with awards like “Global leader of the year”… “ESG officer of the year”..”Top 100 most influential women in business”, now adding best selling author with her new book make it personal.
“Organizations are static structures that only come alive through the actions of dynamic people.”
Having worked at amazing innovation power houses such Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, Microsoft, and Polaroid. It is now my pleasure to work with her at Capgemini as the CTIO for North and Central Europe.
Let's dive in directly. Make it Personal:
- How did you come up with the concept for your New book and what compelled you to write it?
- “It’s not personal it’s business” you argue the opposite, why?
The crisis of connection:
- Human connection are at the forefront of you thinking, I think some people struggle.
- how do we collaborate and communicate?
Empowerment leadership in innovation:
- I love the way you lead the charge on the way you give people an amazing creative boost to build new things.
- What 2 or 3 thing should we do or not do in Empowering people
Tech4Good is a choice:
- You fell in love with technology at an early age, and Troughtout your career seem to have the read throught the line that even technology needs to empower people
Stay Curious 🧐 I hope you have fun listening!
Buy the book here: https://www.amazon.nl/Make-Personal-Dimensions-Collaboration-Workplace/dp/B0CKJKH3V9
Follow Dr. Cara here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caraantoine/