If We Ran Nintendo
Episode 177 with Mark Carabin (The caNERDian Gamer)
If We Ran Nintendo: would we be worried about the Xbox Switch.
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Zachary Bradshaw
What color scheme/theme would you incorporate on the next switch lite?
Brendan Myers
If we Ran Nintendo would we go back to mario party and super mario maker 2 add dlc to to add more life to the games? If so then when do you do it asap or do you wait till there is a first party lull? What would the DLC update be and if you had to choose one which would it be? Would you make it so you could play mario party with controllers and not just joy cons?
todd oxtra
If we ran Nintendo, how you manage Nintendo's licenses and properties outside of videogames?
For example would you partner with apple or HBO for exclusive TV content? Legos or Nerf for branded toys? Chipotle for Yoshi burritos or WaWa's for Mario kart coffee cups?
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