The Whole Stepfamily

If You Don't Love Your Step-Life (but want to)

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Many stepmoms have said to me over the years that they feel completely and totally stuck in their stepfamily lives sometimes.

Between accommodating visitation schedules, tippy-toeing around ex-spouses, walking on eggshells around defensive partners, and the laundry list of other acrobat moves that most stepmoms make just to keep the peace, sometimes it might feel like everyone else makes the choices and you're just along for the ride.

If you've ever felt like you don't have any other options, if you worry that you'll be at the mercy of other people's bad decisions for the rest of your life, or if you just straight up want to take your power back from your stepfamily circumstances, this episode is for you.


Connect with Brittany over on Instagram @thestepqueen and let her know, what about the show have you been LOVING?!


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The Whole StepfamilyBy Brittany Lynch

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