Jaymie is a badass woman, mom, business owner and dream CREATOR. She is a Transformational Strategist & Speaker, yet she is a listener or belief systems and unconscious speech. She has been through many different facets and every one has brought her more clarity for the next opportunities she gets to invest in.
During this interview and every interview I am open and vulnerable allowing the Practitioner moms to do their magic with me so that others can experience real life tangible transformation from their beings during our call.
Jaymie did not fail, she heard some of my beliefs and kindly redirected me to REMEMBER that the WHO I think I am chasing after is actually ME! It is well known that I and many other women who have been through trauma as a child use comedy to relieve the stress, the tension or anxiety in the air. Jaymie was able to help me see the other side of my belief and I instantly felt the shift in my body, THAT IS QUANTUM LEAPING!
Join our candid and open chat about all things woo woo back up by science and the desire to want more even though we are badasses at what we do.
https://www.jaymiegerena.com or on Facebook where you see other magical breakthroughs in her life, relationships and body https://www.facebook.com/Jaymieleegerena
Moms, ready to feel this vibrant in EVERYTHING you do, say or live?
I am excited to share that we have created a Mother Medicine Mastermind where we join forces by aligning our gifts and create what else is possible without having to be certified in hundreds of other Mindfulness Modalities. Bring YOU, you are the gift to this and the next generation, let's share our Mother Medicine unapologetically as we HEAL AT THE ROOT level all generational and systemic issues that no longer serve our journey.
Find more information at mothermedicinemastermind.com