Some guy named Jaba came to me and said:
My body shook with confusion,
I didn't understand the question.
The man smiled at me and said:
"You woke up with a dream right?
You better hold on tight."
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
No lies, I woke up to a purple skies,
I felt the wind on my neck.
My mind had an earthquake when I turned my back.
I was looking at the Big Apple
As I walk towards the window,
My reflection was walking towards me.
When I saw the reflection,
I immediately wanted to run away.
I couldn't move, that was not me,
It was a face from earlier that day.
I opened my eyes to this new brave world.
Wandering freely, like a beautiful bird.
I saw a lost boy then I changed my way.
Touched on his shoulder and said to him:
Şimdi bu eleman ne geveliyor diyebilirsiniz amma velakin ne yapmak istediğimi biliyorum. Kafamızdaki kararsızlıklardan arındığımız nice günlerimize sevgili dinleyiciler. Kendize güzel bakın.