I spent the past doing some really interesting things with some really interesting people. My time in medicine, music, sports, blockchain, and gaming brought me a variety of experiences that have me at a point where I am now currently starting my own company. And as I do that, I had a thought that we don't often get to hear about people starting their own companies in the process. The only time we do is once they're successful. But I believe there's a ton of value to bring people along for the journey.
Where this idea came from is being a huge hip hop fan. If there's any artist you've been following from the start, you listened to their struggles when their mixtapes came out, and you've been growing with them since. In that time you developed an emotional connection to seeing those artists succeed. When something amazing happened to them it felt like something amazing was happening to you.
With that idea in mind, here's my first episode at bringing people along for the journey of the next company I build. I hope that I'm able to provide even a little bit of value as I go about this, and that you choose to want to be part of the ride. Thank you for listening!