The Human body is a manifestation of the whole Universe. Actually, it is a micro cosmos. In a human body there are some special centers, called chakras, which manifest all planes and levels of consciousness. Through these centers the human Soul goes upwards.
Master Imram represents the tradition of Kriya which was originally given by Himalayan Saint Babaji Nagaraj.
Mahavatar Babaji initiated Imram into Kriya in 2002, and since 2003 Imram himself, with Sri Sathya Sai Baba blessing, has initiated dozens of thousands of people.
Kriya, being a foundation of all kinds of spiritual training, is the Highest stage of Yoga.
Contrary to common belief, neither Kriya, no Vedas are Indian science.
Kriya was mentioned by an ancient sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras.
Kriya is a physical, scientific and spiritual method which helps to accelerate the physical, mental and spiritual development of people, leading them to Self-realization.
About Master Imram
For more than 20 years, Imram has been visiting different parts of our planet. He spent a lot of time in India, doing Sadhana (Sanskrit: समाधि - «means towards some end»), or – Yoga practice.
Owing to his long-time practice of Yoga, Imram has attained Oneness with his Higher Self.
In the Science of Kriya this process is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi (where Nirvikalpa means: the highest state, beyond time; samadhi: wholeness, union, accomplishment, fulfillment. In the word Samadhi syllables mean: sa (so) – first cause, transcendental; ma (maha) – great; dhi (dhiyan) – meditation, union).
In 2003 Imram got Shaktipat (Sanskrit: bestowing spiritual strength and creative energy) from Sri Satya Sai Baba.
Imram’s personal Experience and his deep perception of Oneness principle form the basis of his Yoga practice.
The Science of Kriya is an aspect of the Law, manifested in the world as a psychophysical transformation of Light and Sound.
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