What a road it's been and it's not even year two in Private Practice! We hope you are learning alot, and as we grow, we promise to drop those gems so you can grow as an entrepreneur, mental health professional, bad ass woman, group practice owner, peeping tom, whatever category you fall in to!
To wrap up the season Marsha Mcdonald joins us to turn the mic on us. In this episode get to know who we are and how we started, our highs, lows, and what lies ahead. By the time this episode drops it'll probaly be a few weeks break till the next episode (cause we are just that busy and it takes so damn long to turn an episode over), so no worries, we'll be back soon.
For 2020 we hope to be: Consistent and more open with the joys, successes and hurts of life In Between The Sessions.
Who we are:
Katiuscia Gray is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Clinical Supervisor, and Certified Yoga Instructor with a group private practice in the NYC area. Kat combines the teachings of yoga into therapy to heal the mind, body, and soul, primarily for children and millennial women. Topped off with her dynamic energy, select choice of words, and over 13 years of clinical skills, she is an exceptional breed of black girl magic.
Learn more about her at: https://mmholisticservices.com
Amanda Fludd is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and the founder of Therapy Is Dope, a platform used to destigmatize mental health, especially for minority communities, and also runs a group private practice in NYC. The mind and body are a strong focus of her work as she strives to improve access to quality psychotherapy at a community level. With a strong psychiatric background, the art of change shows up through therapy, educating up and coming therapists, consultations and trainings for professionals. Learn more about her at: www.amandafludd.com
Follow us here and on IG @inbetweenthesessions. If you've had experience with a business coach or you are a coach yourself we would love to chat at: [email protected]