"It's never too late to go back to school. On our first date, my now partner, Jose, shared some of the struggles he faced when trying to go to college straight out of high school. Fast forward a few months later...plus knowledge of how to navigate the system, he was able to go back to school and take advantage of campus resources. As we discussed his journey and some of the barriers he faced, we had an "ah ha" moment. We thought about the community we live in and how we come into contact with people who didn't have the proper support to go to college. We thought about the people we've spoken to who have said, "I wish I could have gone, I wish I knew someone I could talk to, I wish I knew how to get started." I want to reach people who have always wondered but never had a resource to reach out to. As a Community College counselor, I have worked with students who are: first-generation, undocumented, re-entry (25+ years old), students who have disabilities, students who are parents, and so many more. My goal is to serve as a resource and to show people, it is possible!"