Nithin and Jeremy tackle another 1974 Hatonn session two days following the one they analyzed last episode, this one extending the Confederation's concepts of love, light, and other primal distortions into the area of desire and service. This begins with a discussion about the genealogy of desire, its thread connecting more distorted versions of the desire to more pure versions. Desire achieves its goal ultimately through service, the dynamic projection of the truth of oneness into the limited, novel details of a moment in the illusion. Therefore, serving involves the ability to look through the illusion, recognizing deeper layers of our desires and using the illusion to skillfully address our service to those on levels of calling they may not even understand themselves. This means we cannot arrive at our choices of how to serve solely through intellectual thinking; this ability to serve other selves on deeper levels starts with better self-knowledge and a more intuitional approach exercised in meditation. Jeremy introduces a couple more sessions from the 1970s that reinforce this concept of love's current through the illusion via desire as well as the mysterious, creative, inspirational nature of true service.
Show Notes
- Hatonn on desire and service (February 13, 1974)
- Ra on children’s responsibility (Session 18, Question 7)
- Monka on mirroring within and without (February 24, 2024)
- Oorkas on the illusion melting away (September 21, 2024)
- Luke on Jesus's prayer in solitude (Luke 5:16)
- Hatonn on seeking and progress (April 22, 1974)
- Hatonn on the difficulties of service (April 30, 1974)
- Hatonn on the readiness to serve (February 15, 1976)