Tha MESSAGE is no stranger to struggle, born into a blue collar family with a long line of field and mill workers. His father a diesel mechanic, worked long hours and many different shifts to support his mother and him. His mother worked different jobs throughout the years but due to her bouts with Bi-polar, it was very difficult to hold down a job. Throughout his youth he moved many times, being forced to try to fit in, he was often teased about his weight among other thing such as his own struggle with being bi-polar and ADHD. His family eventually settled in Idaho.
Tha MESSAGE began his love affair with music after his grandmother passed away. He started simply by writing poetry and then that transitioned into rhyme. Soon after having a string of conflicts with his principal and school staff he dropped out of school to pursue a career in music. Around that same time his family had lost their home, and he found out that his mother had secretly become a meth addict which further intensified the conflicts within his home life. Thus his music became even more important as his only form of release.
After months of battling an addicition to the drug spice, he finally was able to quit the use of the drug during a trip to NYC to meet with his first major label, Shady Records owned by Eminem. He spent two days in his hotel room going through detox.
Although he did not get a deal from this encounter with Shady Records he was offered insider advice on the industry and had his now current name Tha MESSAGE coined. After returning home and spending two more weeks in detox he began having nervous breakdowns, he became suicidal, and in deep depression but thanks to the support of his fiance, family, and friends he was able to pick himself back up and continue working on his passion.