In this episode of Indiana Twins TV (ITTV), Scott Haase is blessed to have Kyle Boddy on the show, currently with the Reds and Driveline Baseball. If you haven't already, please subscribe!
Our guest is one of the key faces that represents a shift in baseball in the last 5-10 years. Kyle Boddy is currently with the Cincinnati Reds as their Director of Pitching Initiatives and Pitching Coordinator. He has been in the trenches of player development for over 10 years and is the founder of world-renowned Driveline Baseball in Kent, Washington - the "mecca" of the baseball training world.
Authoring two books on pitching and player development, and writing thousands of pieces of content on the subject, Kyle is a leader in the industry and one of our organization's largest influences in all areas of player development.
The Indiana Twins are long-standing customers of Driveline Baseball, using their equipment, courses, programs and software.