Games are a great way to pass the time, have fun with other people, learn, and keep your brain active and healthy. But have you ever considered playing a game specifically designed to get to know others on a more meaningful level? That is what this interview is all about!
Sam Sokol, owner and co-creator of Graticube, discusses his own social experiment that led to the concept for the game, as well as the opportunities and obstacles that arose with helping people connect the head and the heart through play.
Graticube has applications in many different settings; whether it be a game night with friends or family, team building with coworkers, on a retreat with collaborators, a student/classroom activity, or even in a therapeutic setting. Get an 8% discount on the purchase of the game when you use the coupon code MATT at
Graticube is grateful for your referrals. Refer Graticube products to others and receive a commission for their purchases at
NOTICE: The information and opinions in this podcast are for entertainment purposes and are not intended to replace a listeners’ further due diligence on any topics mentioned. Some discussions may contradict the information and opinions of other professionals. All listeners should consult their own healthcare professionals, industry professionals, and/or financial advisors before committing to any major decisions regarding, but not limited to, their health, career, and/or finances.
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