"A relationship is an agreement between two people who are willing to go and grow together. These two people reach a consensus of being partners normally in both their personal and professional development. Basically, a relationship should be mutual. Hence, being in partnership. However, it seems like the definition in reality has changed with time. People enter into relationships for their own selfish, egocentric, self-centerd, and self-sufficient motives. This results into Gender Based Violence or Domestic Abuse when those selfish motives are not accomplished. It can be said that these modern relationships are a scam. You enter alive and exit dead. Love is shortly shared. But pain and misery is longly tolerated. Relationships have turned into a catalyst of people's death date. Instead of enjoying love in relationships, people are bound by the fear of uncertainties. Normally, love must be reciprocated and bidirectional. But now, it's one way street with bleedings instead of blessings" Mr Virus.