Olá ouvintes! Neste episódio, temos a presença especial de Scott Crabtree, médico infectologista da California (EUA) que desenvolveu e ainda desenvolve jogos educacionais sobre antibióticos e doenças infecciosas! O episódio está em inglês, mas disponibilizamos legendas para vocês se necessitarem.
Para ativar as legendas em português, clique no botão "Legendas/legendas ocultas (c)" e em seguida na roda dentada, legendas (cc), Traduzir automaticamente, Português.
Links para acesso gratuito aos formatos "print and play" dos jogos do Scott:
1. Pest House - The one health themed, flip and write game where players build a town while avoiding plagues over the course of four seasons. https://forms.gle/BFivtaqkCvM2FdHDA
2. Epipocalypse - The infectious disease epidemiology themed card game to teach players clinical presentation, geographic distribution, vectors, and reservoirs. https://forms.gle/vvJChGnYi79Gr19X8
Para acessar os jogos, basta preencher um breve questionário.
Leia mais sobre o assunto:
Bochennek K, Wittekindt B, Zimmermann SY, Klingebiel T. More than mere games: a review of card and board games for medical education. Med Teach. 2007 Nov;29(9):941-8. doi: 10.1080/01421590701749813. PMID: 18158669.
Singhal S, Hough J, Cripps D. Twelve tips for incorporating gamification into medical education. MedEdPublish (2016). 2019 Nov 26;8:216. doi: 10.15694/mep.2019.000216.1. PMID: 38089323; PMCID: PMC10712530.
Beylefeld AA, Struwig MC. A gaming approach to learning medical microbiology: students' experiences of flow. Med Teach. 2007 Nov;29(9):933-40. doi: 10.1080/01421590701601550. PMID: 18158668.Xu M, Luo Y, Zhang Y, Xia R, Qian H, Zou X. Game-based learning in medical education. Front Public Health. 2023 Mar 3;11:1113682. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1113682. PMID: 36935696; PMCID: PMC10020233.
Hello listeners! In this episode, we have the special presence of Scott Crabtree, an infectious disease doctor from California (USA) who developed and still develops educational games about antibiotics and infectious diseases! The episode is in English, but we have subtitles available for you if you need them.
To activate subtitles in Portuguese, click the "Subtitles/closed captions (c)" button and then the gear wheel, subtitles (cc), Auto translate, Portuguese.
Links for free access to "print and play" formats of Scott's games:
1. Pest House - The one health themed, flip and write game where players build a town while avoiding plagues over the course of four seasons. https://forms.gle/BFivtaqkCvM2FdHDA
2. Epipocalypse - The infectious disease epidemiology themed card game to teach players clinical presentation, geographic distribution, vectors, and reservoirs. https://forms.gle/vvJChGnYi79Gr19X8
To access the games, simply fill out a brief questionnaire.
Bochennek K, Wittekindt B, Zimmermann SY, Klingebiel T. More than mere games: a review of card and board games for medical education. Med Teach. 2007 Nov;29(9):941-8. doi: 10.1080/01421590701749813. PMID: 18158669.
Singhal S, Hough J, Cripps D. Twelve tips for incorporating gamification into medical education. MedEdPublish (2016). 2019 Nov 26;8:216. doi: 10.15694/mep.2019.000216.1. PMID: 38089323; PMCID: PMC10712530.
Beylefeld AA, Struwig MC. A gaming approach to learning medical microbiology: students' experiences of flow. Med Teach. 2007 Nov;29(9):933-40. doi: 10.1080/01421590701601550. PMID: 18158668.
Xu M, Luo Y, Zhang Y, Xia R, Qian H, Zou X. Game-based learning in medical education. Front Public Health. 2023 Mar 3;11:1113682. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1113682. PMID: 36935696; PMCID: PMC10020233.