Hosts Christina and Jordan Artis dive into the final stretch of their fertility journey. After the failed first round of extraction and transfer, Jordan and Christina decided to go ahead with a second attempt, this time with promising results.
Too excited to wait the full two weeks to get the results of the blood test, Jordan and Christina take an early test and find out they are pregnant! Nervousness and excitement play an equal role in this stage of their journey as they start sharing the happy news with close friends and family. Jordan talks about his excitement coming through in setting up the nursery and documenting their journey, while Christina reflects on how she was able to get back on social media again. All their struggle and difficulties on this grueling journey finally paid off as they welcomed a baby boy to their family.
Welcome to Infertility Unexplained.
Key Takeaways:
[:36] Christina does a quick recap of their journey till this point.
[1:57] Christina and Jordan decide to go ahead with a second cycle and the second transfer takes place in February.
[5:08] The two weeks after the transfer is a grueling time to wait for the results. Jordan and Christina decided to test early for the results of the transfer.
[9:40] Christina shares how excited but also nervous she was at the prospect of possibly being pregnant.
[11:26] Christina and Jordan get their first positive blood test — they are officially pregnant!
[15:42] Once they got the positive results, they started to share the good news with close family and friends.
[21:06] Jordan and Christina reflect on how it felt to be able to share the news and partake in the joy that they were seeing their friends and people around them experiencing.
[22:27] Jordan shares how excited he was about setting up the nursery, and how they documented the whole journey.
[25:08] One of the things the couple didn't get to enjoy was a gender reveal.
[28:42] Jordan and Christina share the experience of their baby-moon that didn't work out.
[33:44] Jordan looks back on the growth they experienced as a couple on this journey.
[34:30] After going through this long and difficult journey, Christina and Jordan were finally able to welcome a baby boy to their family.
[37:34] Christina and Jordan share some thoughts and insights about going on this journey of starting a family, however that may look for you and your partner.
[44:35] Share your story, whatever it is. Not enough people are sharing their struggles, but there are so many people going through similar journeys. You are not alone.
Mentioned In This Episode:
Infertility Unexplained
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