- Intro + Welcome: The Destress Club. The Destress Hammock Series videos on Youtube and exclusive videos if you’ll buy me a coffee-dot-com. The Destress Club is also on Buy Me A Coffee: http://Buymeacoffee.com/thedestressclub and Redbubble: http://destress.redbubble.com and TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@the.destress.club. Come and say hello to us over there! These are outlined but not scripted talks - like a vlog, only it's an audio blog podcast - an abpodcast. We chit-chat in the hammock with y'all about relevant topics: neurodiversity, lifestyle and business. Today, the summary set Round-Up:
- My Day: I was going to do a video but it's dark now and the candle light is not sufficient. Maybe with the right camera? If anyone knows how to get good candlelight videos on the iPhone 12, please get in touch. Most of the day I've been working on books, which I’ll get to later. Just before this, I was...
1. Public Speaking + Communication Group Meeting.
2. Coaching Session: Coachee/Client wants to reschedule - Advice for coach: ; - Advice for coachee: .
3. “Undiagnosed?” The Workbook.
- “Undiagnosed?” + “Undiagnosed?” The Workbook. Why, What, How, What if...
- A Destress Second: [pipe breath] [silence + breath focus] [affirmation, quote, prayer] Courage. [silence + breath focus] Aho.