As the end of this year draws to a close, we are taking time to review our most listened to episodes of 2020.
The only thing certain right now is change. The way we work, the way we live are going to continue to change and adapt. We’ve heard from many leaders who are trying to foster resilience, which is the capacity to recover quickly from challenges. Think 90’s classic, “I get knocked down, but I get up again”. No matter who we are, we have all faced difficulties over the past few months.
As leaders look to develop re-entry strategies and update their policies and procedures, the word resilience can’t be ignored. It’s the trait that gives us the ability to keep going when the light at the end of the tunnel may not be clear.
Earlier this year we had two guests share their thoughts on what this means to leaders: Hakemia Jackson, a cultural strategist, an executive coach, and partner with Bravely, and Jeff Smith, a psychologist and the Director of 15 Five's Best Self Academy.