This week we look at an issue all too common in Teens, Social Anxiety. Whether it's the terrifying burden of having to speak in public, socializing with people you don't know at an event, walking into a crowded room or just ordering food the fears and emotions that come from Social Anxiety can be crippling.In this episode we look at what Social Anxiety is, how to identify the symptoms and we look at where you're most likely to encounter Social Anxiety. Then we'll look at how to treat those afflicted with it, we'll discuss some common techniques to help you cope with it and we'll even give you some pointers on how to prepare yourself for situations you know you'll be in that can cause Social Anxiety.In the end we learn that while most people have some form of Social Anxiety it's a bit of a spectrum and each of us falls in a different area of that spectrum and how we handle it is situational. We also learn that what we think might be Social Anxiety may only manifest as such and might have a completely different root cause.