In this introspective episode titled “2024 Wrap-Up Manifesto, Alice in Wonderland, and How My Delusional Thinking Led to the Greatest Breakthroughs of the Year,” Karen takes us down the rabbit hole of self-discovery and transformation. Through tales of emotional unblocking, nervous system recalibration, and career evolution, she unpacks the magic of embracing discomfort, navigating authenticity, and trusting life’s divine timing. From Human Design to subconscious reprogramming, Karen’s journey shows how “delusional” belief in unseen possibilities can spark real breakthroughs and a year of profound growth.
Rediscovering What You Truly Want (00:00–01:00)Karen shares how she was stuck, questioning her life and career, until she finally asked herself: What do I truly want? Instead of settling for “just a paycheck,” she redefined success and took bold steps toward creating a career and life she loves.
Takeaway: Give yourself permission to pause, reflect, and reconnect with what excites you. Don’t settle—clarity is where transformation starts.
It’s Never Too Late to Start Over (05:00–06:00)While many peers were winding down their careers, Karen was ramping up. She reminds us that everyone’s timeline is different.
Takeaway: Stop comparing your journey to others. Your timing is yours—honor it.
Your Body Knows the Truth (20:00–22:00)Karen learned to listen to her nervous system—words like “I should,” “I better,” and “I have to” were signs she was in fight-or-flight mode.
Takeaway: When those phrases creep in, ask yourself: Why do I feel this way? Then prioritize rest, breathing, or simply doing less.
Trapped Emotions Manifest Physically (24:00–25:00)Unprocessed emotions build up, often showing as tension, pain, or anxiety. Karen realized her teeth grinding and constant high energy weren’t “normal” but signals from her body to slow down.
Takeaway: Check in with your body—tight jaws, clenched fists, or even chronic aches might be your emotions asking for attention.
Stop Choosing “Comfortable Misery” (33:00–34:00)Karen explains how we often cling to what’s familiar—even if it’s unfulfilling—because it feels safer than risking the unknown.
Takeaway: Ask yourself: Am I holding onto something because it’s familiar, or because it’s truly good for me? Choose the unfamiliar if it aligns with your values and dreams.
The Relationship Between Love and Money (37:00–39:00)Karen explores the link between scarcity in money and love, noting that how we show up in one area often mirrors the other.
Takeaway: Reflect on where you might be accepting less than you deserve—whether in relationships or finances. Start setting higher standards in both.
Human Design as a Blueprint for Self-Understanding (45:00–47:00)Discovering Human Design was life-changing for Karen. It helped her understand her energy (as a Generator) and gave her tools to align with her purpose.
Takeaway: Explore your Human Design. It’s a unique roadmap to your authentic self—helping you focus on what truly lights you up.
Deconditioning and Letting Go (51:00–52:00)Karen talks about the power of shedding subconscious beliefs that keep us small. By letting go, she created space for authenticity and abundance.
Takeaway: Ask: What beliefs are holding me back? Then actively challenge and rewrite those narratives.
Make Space for What’s Next (50:00–51:00)Clearing out her physical and mental clutter helped Karen open up to new opportunities and clarity.
Takeaway: Start small—organize your closet, clean a drawer, or tackle one lingering task. Clearing space in your environment often clears your mind too.
Trust the Bigger Plan (44:00–46:00)Karen leaned into her faith, trusting that every challenge and insight was divinely ordered. This trust gave her peace and clarity.
Takeaway: Trust that where you are is exactly where you’re meant to be. Look for lessons in the pauses and embrace the process.
Final Thoughts from Karen
Karen’s journey is a reminder that life is about evolution, not perfection. It’s okay to pivot, to dig deeper, and to dream of what’s possible—even when it feels uncertain. Her message is simple: trust yourself, listen to your body, and don’t be afraid to go all in on the life you deserve.
What resonates most with you from Karen’s reflections? Let it inspire your next step!
Take the First Step Toward Your Best Year Yet
If Karen’s journey resonates with you and you’re ready to leave “comfortable misery” behind, let 2025 be the year you align fully with your purpose and potential. Understanding your Human Design chart is a powerful way to jumpstart this transformation. It’s not about changing who you are—it’s about uncovering who you’ve always been and learning to live authentically, with clarity and confidence.
Karen offers personalized Human Design consultations to help you:
✨ Discover your unique blueprint for life and success.
✨ Uncover subconscious patterns holding you back.
✨ Gain tools to make aligned decisions for more peace, joy, and abundance.
Start the new year with a fresh perspective, grounded in self-awareness and empowerment.
DM me on Instagram: @inspiredaction_coachMessage me on LinkedIn: my website: The Experience ProjectThis is your time. Let’s unlock the best version of you together. ❤️