Master Hakan Ozgun Koprulu, born in Turkey, was an elite athlete and coach in his country. After competing on the Turkish National Team for 8 years with great international success, he completed his degree in Physical Education at Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey. Master Hakan was also the Coach of the taekwondo team at that university and then a very successful trainer at many of the top taekwondo clubs in Turkey. Through his role as a coach and trainer, he lead many athletes to level of National Turkish Team members then began to pursue an international taekwondo career. He is now the head Master of Marine Park, Brooklyn, NY's Champions Martial Arts school, which opened in 2019. He talks about his passion to teach and the hard work needed to have a successful international career. Master Hakan embodies the character of a black belt that is instilled in martial arts-courage, respect, perseverance, confidence, taking yourself out of your comfort zone in order to grow, and a love of martial arts.