Picture these two scenarios for a second.
Scenario 1: You have the full day to yourself with no responsibilities or obligations. You can do whatever you want. Just stay home and relax, watch some TV, scroll through social media, maybe call a friend, eat some good food, etc. That's scenario 1, cool? Cool.
Scenario 2: You're working on a project. This project is very important and you're really passionate about it. It's not an easy task to focus on this project. In fact, it's requiring your complete attention and energy to have this project done well. That's scenario 2, cool? Cool.
Which of these scenarios do you think will make you happier?
At first, you might say, scenario 1 of course! After all, you have the entire day free. You can do whatever you want. You have no responsibilities or obligations for the day at all! So, of course, scenario 1 will make you happier, right? That's what most people would say but the science of focus may actually tell you otherwise.
Mohammad Hasan breaks it down in this episode of the Instant Reset Podcast! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send him a message on Linkedin! Subscribe to our podcast for new episodes every Monday!