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Get ready, get ready, GET READY Aquarius!! The Tower is here in August to bring a major shakeup —- but don’t be alarmed — this one is going to help shake you out of your isolation, brain fog and subconscious fears, cut through your confusion and refocus you on your path to manifest your best life. The end of August could see you with financial gains and a secure position in your field. And don’t be afraid to unchain your heart —- there may be an outspoken, tell it like it is ally (another Air sign?) who is ready to fight with you and for you! Just be careful of any secrets you don’t want to be revealed, since they may come out in a big way through a slip of the lip or broadcast over social media. If that doesn’t apply to you, be open to embrace change Aquarius. Its your road to Enlightenment and it’s the only thing in our lives that remains constant.
Love, The SunWoman xox
August Spread:
Past- Ace of Emotions reversed(Cups)
Present- 4 of Voices (Swords)
Near Future- 5 of Inspiration (Swords)
Advice- 8 of Inspiration reversed (Wands)
Others - Muse of Voices
Obstacles - 7 of Emotions
Outcome - 9 of Materials (Pentacles)
Overview- the Tower
Oracle - Enlightenment
The Muse Tarot - Chris Anne
Sacred Destiny Oracle - Denise Linn
Tao Oracle - Ma Deva Padma
The SunWoman’s intuitive and inspired messages for Love, Money, Health and Spiritual Ascension, integrate ancient sciences with professional coaching for successfully navigating and rising above this maze we call LIFE