Theresa Sigillito Hollema explains her origins of her work as an interculturalist and her recent focus on building capacity for virtual teamworking.
Video chapters
0.00 Intro and hello to Theresa Sigillito Hollema
Theresa’s journey into intercultural work
6.08 Dating advice from an interculturalist
How to find a Dutch husband
9.15 Rock star interculturalists
What’s it like to work with one of them?
11.26 Why is virtual collaboration so hard?
Technology, distance, culture and time. The relationship between culture and techn.
15.26 The Caldo model
Why context matters and three ways that culture impacts the virtual team. Th first way: within the team.
18.21 How has tech changed intercultural experience
Drivers of change in cultural competence
19.32 What’s harder: geographic or cultural distance?
Is a colleague outside of driving distance difficult to collaborate with?
21.40 The 2nd way: between the locations
Another way that culture impacts virtual teams and the risk of cliques forming.
24.03 The 3rd way: outside the team
The surrounding culture can have impact in surprising ways and also give the virtual team enormous potential.
28.56 Competences for global virtual teams
Cultural competence, virtual competence and what virtual competence consists of.
33.22 Writers and thinkers
Who is doing interesting research and public engagement bringing together culture and virtual?
37.30 Is virtual collaboration an afterthought?
Are we planning teams for effective collaboration?
43.00 Becoming a virtual collaboration consultant
Creating programmes for virtual teams
51.06 More about the Caldo model
A model for culture + distance
58.47 Theresa’s contribution to the Intercultural Toolbox
A Slack group for you if you are interested in virtual collaboration.
1.00.50 Contacting Theresa
Twitter, linkedin, web
Culture Count
Coming up in conversation were USA, UK, India, Netherlands, Italy, in order of mentions.