Plastic Free Mersey is an initiative which aims to bring together science, funding and education to help address the issue of plastic pollution in the River Mersey. Crucially, it involves some major players in the plastics industry in a collaborative partnership.
In this episode, Dave Gray speaks to key stakeholders in the project:
- Chris Coode, Deputy Chief Executive at Thames21
- Jason Leadbitter, Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at INOVYN.
- Jim Seward, Senior Vice President, Research & Development, Technology & Sustainability at LyondellBasell, and chairman of the Executive Committee of the World Plastics Council
- John Sanders, Strategic Planning Director at the Mersey Rivers Trust
We covered a broad range of topics, including
- The importance of collaborative working between industry, government, NGOs, charities and the public. In particular, the importance of industry lending not only finance and advocacy, but also actively sharing science and expertise.
The Global Plastics Treaty – key industry voices discuss the virtues of limiting production vs. design for circularity.How we can create value for waste.What do we really mean when we say ‘circular economy’?The lifecycle assessments of plastics (in certain industries) compared to alternative materials – why plastics have a sustainable role to play in society.Why the industry has a responsibility to prove that there are models that work – and deserve funding.The importance of training citizen scientists to truly understand problem plasticsSharing scientifically-sound information about problem plastics that exist in our rivers with local communities.The potential of chemical recycling.Listen to this episode via the player above, or listen and subscribe via the following channels:
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