Sandy Syburg (seaberg) is a man on the move. He’s an organic farmer, a member of CROPP cooperative (otherwise known as organic valley) who he grows feed for, president and co-owner of Purple Cow organics, an organic fertilizer company, and If that wasn’t enough, he also runs a school bus company in his home town, Oconomowoc, WI. He won’t tell you he’s busy though, ‘life is full and interesting’ as he says. Today we get an update on spring in Southeastern Wisconsin, talk about Covid19, and hear what Sandy’s excited about this season: corn in 60 inch rows. Let’s hop out and visit with Sandy, keeping 6 feet of distance of course.
This episode is one of seven in which we take a digital road trip, checking in via phone with growers from Missouri on up to Canada about how they and the communities they live in are reacting to Covid-19. So hop in, buckle up, and hit the virtual road with us for this special spring 2020 series of Into the Weeds podcasts: Road trip edition.
Show notes
- Regen ag podcast:
- Mike Rowe podcast - “The way I heard it”:
- Organic Valley podcast: