In this archaeology-focussed episode, Dr Gavin MacGregor discusses material culture. What we mean by material culture, where we find material culture, and how that can be, and is, interpreted. Examples from Inverkeithing include the Town's 17th century bell, displaying the name of it's Dutch maker, and affluent, we assume, original local donors. The bell is currently displayed in the Civic Centre.
The wide ranging discussion covers definitions, the ways that significance is ascribed to objects, and what we can learn from them, about the times they were made, how they were made, and who used them. This in turn leads to cultural objects telling us stories of the past: the makers, the users, the finders, the keepers! Gavin discusses evolving and digital technologies, and how these techniques further our understanding of material cultural objects, from the micro to the macro scale.
Two excavations are planned for the Inverkeithing Heritage Regeneration project - in this episode, Gavin explains the thinking that take place before there's trowel, a flask or a waterproof in sight. Exciting times ahead for Inverkeithing.
For listeners interested in seeing some of the digital technologies referred to, helping interpret and widen understanding of significance, Gavin recommends visiting the website of the Save Wemyss Ancient Caves Society,
and within that website, visiting the 4D website
Enjoy using all the techniques there to explore virtually, there's even a virtual torch which can be used to create shadow, to help "read" the carved surfaces. Enjoy travelling through time, and getting up close to Pictish carvings, in a beautiful coastal setting in Fife.