Hi there! Are you keeping a large sum on money in the bank account? Truth be told you are losing more money to inflation and taxes than earning interest on your money. Using banks as an investment instrument is like using Nokia 3315 as you 'smartphone', not very wise. We need to more to smarter investment options but the first step is to see that why banks are not a great investment. So take a 10 minute walk with me on banks and you will consider moving away from banks. We also look at the 8th wonder of the world that is compound interest. We have tangible steps for every episode of this podcast, so that you can become the investor of the decade
Podcast section and timing -
1. Did you parents invest in the right instruments? 0:15 to 1:30
2. Advantages of bank and why we keep it there - 1:30 to 2:30
3. Inflation - 2:31 to 4:25
4. What are the other places to invest - 4:25 to 9
5. What does mutual funds do - 9 to 9:55
6. Power of compound interest, an exercise for you - 9:55 to 10:40
7. Tangible action item, let's get to work 10:40 to end
Use any compound interest calculator for the calculation exercise (simply Google)
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