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FAQs about Irish Science Fiction:How many episodes does Irish Science Fiction have?The podcast currently has 168 episodes available.
December 10, 2024Brian Sexton's One Min SF ...Alostophonic CelebrationCan't really describe this -sixty seconds on something, so not nothing...more1minPlay
December 10, 2024Brian Sexton's One Min SF ...Space ParanoiaMore of a quick joke than anything, and it only lasts 60 seconds....more2minPlay
December 07, 2024Low Budget Irish Joe Rogan Podcast, Episode 44Accents (Two mins Improv messing)...more3minPlay
December 06, 2024Nancy Goodaim, Space Ranger - Chapter 45An Irish Science Fiction Outer Space Adventure (Written and Narrated by Brian Sexton)...more13minPlay
December 05, 2024Low Budget Irish Joe Rogan Podcast, Episode 43Wealth Inequality ...More Improv messing. Hoping to get another Nancy G out tomorrow eve. Not looking ideal as I've about an hour to write and record it but ya never know, sometimes things just come together really quickly....more2minPlay
December 04, 2024Low Budget Irish Joe Rogan Podcast, Episode 42Word up Homiez, more Improv messing and now it's time to bring the diss -or just generally take the piss outta taking the piss, and Ricky Gervais ...because knocking his schtick is like shooting a dolphin in a barrel ;) ...more3minPlay
December 02, 2024Brian Sexton's One Min SF ...Making Jupiter Great AgainMore one min messing...more2minPlay
December 02, 2024Brian Sexton's One Min SF ...InsecurityJust catching up and posting bits and bobs -another one min story while walking doggies. Gonna try get another Nancy G in this week, and one more before the new year so that there are nine to finish it out in '25. ...more2minPlay
FAQs about Irish Science Fiction:How many episodes does Irish Science Fiction have?The podcast currently has 168 episodes available.