Unlike Dominic Cummings, Sachin and Lindsey have stayed at home. LIKE Dominic Cummings, they apologise for nothing as they reconvene on Zoom to chat life in lockdown.
Sachin explains why he is beginning to enjoy this new way of life while Lindsey doesn't hold back in revealing that for her, the feelings are very different - and difficult.
This leads to an open, honest and raw discussion about the choices women face in regards to become a parent, which in turn leads to Sachin going on another rant about social media (seriously, what is up with this dude?!).
There's no quiz but the lead-out song remains. It's a belter and is selected in a brand new way for this podcast.
So download, listen and love. And after you have, please Rate and Review. Also, get in touch with Sachin and Lindsey via the ITTO? Twitter account (@ITTOpod) and/or the ITTO? email address ([email protected]).