Technology plays a part in every aspect of our lives, so diversity in tech is critical – and can benefit both the tech industry and society at large. If you’ve ever helped a child go to a public restroom, you might have an understanding of what we mean. Whether it’s the height of the sink, the toilet or the light switch, a child struggles to use many public facilities. This stems from a lack of diversity – if only one type of person is designing from their own experiences, society suffers. People can only extrapolate so much – we need diversity in tech (and in all fields) to account for diverse experiences of life.
In this special episode of ISG’s Digital Dish, we honor Black History Month and shine a light on what it’s like to be a BIPOC woman in the tech industry. Missy Lawrence speaks to Tiera Gray, Vice President, Office of the CIO at Exelon. Tiera shares her insights and first-hand experience of the challenges and opportunities faced by many minorities in the industry today.
Plus, hear Tiera’s valuable advice for girls and women wanting to carve out a fulfilling and rewarding career in the tech space. And find out why hair is a crucial part the conversation. Have you heard of the CROWN act? If not, we’ll catch you up to speed in the post-interview debrief with hosts Lois Coatney and Jeanne Cuff.