Ishavasya Upanishad Mantras 1 – 2. This lecture was given by Swami Tattwamayananda on February 3, 2012.
-The central foundational canons of Hinduism are the Shrutis (Vedas), Smritis (religious manuals, texts of Vedic rules and laws on social conduct, etc.) and Puranas (semi-historical and mythological works).
-The world is pervaded by ईश ('Isha'), the divine spirit of God, the Inner Essence and Controller of the universe. It is everywhere in this changing universe.
-The 1st mantra expounds the Upanishadic vision of the spiritual oneness of existence.
-The 2nd mantra is the essence of Karma-yoga taught in the Bhagavad Gita. It reconciles action and contemplation, realism and idealism, Jnana and Karma. It harmonizes spiritual and secular values, renunciation and enjoyment: the ideal of spiritual pragmatism.