We in the Island Boys definitely stand with the movement in getting justice for George Floyd! We are living in a time where we are seeing this nation divided, and it's pretty sad to see. I believe we definitely need change in this world, and due to the protests going on around the world it's opening the eyes of many people who chose to not acknowledge this before. It's a problem though, because I am truly tired of seeing my brothers and sisters die from injustices that haven't changed, but now we have a chance to make the world a better place. It'll take a lot more than protesting to make sure these changes happen, that includes voting, being aware where you spend your dollar. Stop giving to those companies who aren't giving back to the community and who stand on the wrong side of what you believe in. In the Island boy's opinion a lot of us want the same goal but have different ways of trying to get there, and this is why we need leaders to take a stand. We need people to follow the good cause , because violence only leads to more violence, and now I truly believe we can do this without it, we reminded this nation that it was created for the people, and when it starts to not do right by us, we have more of us who can speak towards that and put pressure on the system to listen. It's going to be a long Journey for this to be fixed, but we are ready for it, and I hope you are too!
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