It's a Choice - S01E0028 - Choosing Your Values
What do you value? What emotional experiences matter most to you and which to you most avoid? What rules have you made up that define whether or not you experience those emotional experiences?
In this episode, starting around the 10 minute mark, I walk through a practical example of how to find answers to those questions based upon what I experienced at The Journey Within (and also at Date With Destiny).
It has been said that we have a "highway to hell, and a dirt road to happiness". Most of us depend on things that are completely outside of our control to bring us our happiness and our pain.
The great news is: it's all made up bullshit; and once we realize what rules we've made up, we can CHOOSE entirely new rules and change the game altogether.
Sounds too good to be true? Perhaps...try it out though. What do you have to loose? Your addiction to your pain?
How's that working for you? :) It wasn't working too hot for me - I'll tell you that much!
All upsets are rule upsets; when we are upset, we are upset because someone or something is not fitting in to the rules we have around something that we value (what we want to emotionally experience)
Below are the prompts for finding your towards and away values:
Toward Values Prompts:
- What had to happen in order for you to feel X?
How do you know you're experiencing X?
Toward Value Rules Prompt:
- What had to happen in order for you to feel X?
How do you know you're experiencing X?
Away Values Prompts:
- In the past, what has been the feeling you would do almost anything to avoid having to feel?
In the past, which of these feelings would you do more to avoid having to feel? X or Y?
Away Value Rules Prompt:
- What had to happen in order for you to feel X?
How do you know you're experiencing X?
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As always, thank you for listening and much love to you all!
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