Skye Bowen, an educator of 20 years teaches us all the POWER behind Restorative Justice practices in schools. Mistakes are things that we all are prone to as human beings, especially in our teenage years. When youth make mistakes in school by crossing boundaries or breaking the rules, instead of pushing them out and /or suspending them the most successful way to have the youth come back and experience community, personal and academic success is to restore them. As educators there should be a desire to want to know what youth have been through, understand the reason behind their actions, while holding them accountable with unconditional love and support. Black boys and girls are being mainstreamed into special education and are suspended and/or kicked out of school at a much higher rate than youth who don't share their race. Orlando and Skye talk about what can be done about it in an institutionalized racist system (the education system). It won't be easy, but we have to grow so take a listen but know, It's Complicated.