This about how three pillars of society are engaged in elites practices and why they say, follow the money. What has Washington DC, the Vatican and the City of London have in common. All 3 are linked together by way of money, minerals and stockholders. After the battle of independence of July 4th was to be signed, it was then noticeably absent of funds to build its economy after exhausting all its resources to defend the nation. An opportunity by the British as part of the agreement of independence that, they would only sign the declaration of independence if they'd agreed to allow under the British government or Royals with links to the Vatican and it's own created City of London. Played a significant role as financial support. As a primary stakeholder in financing America's economic growth and development at that time grew into the biggest deception in monetary transactions the world as ever been privy too, until now. We must remember the British have scaled the world in acquisition of Land, sea and minerals from countries for years, and used the might of their armies to conquer vast lands under the Kings and Queens of its era. In doing so, underbthe guidance of the Vatican. They did so without mercy and killed Millions under its rule. The crusades into middle east saw unjustified tensions and violence and most of all the rape and pillaging of the lands and it's people. All for the sake of Christianity, for god and his majesty the King or Queen of that era. Over the centuries to this day, have accumulated a wealth of unimaginable power, riches and minerals from their greed for control. Now in today's terms, it still continues through this deception of COVID-19. Placing countries under internment camps for lockdown and quarantine procedures where the economy is place under stress or ruine. Purchasing of vaccines by the government using taxpayers funds or borrowing, placing further debt into the Billions of dollars. All to control of the world and everything in it. "You will own nothing and be happy". Seriously, a video was released on Saturday by the president of Ghana in Africa. Exposing the real plan behind the current crisis we're facing right now by the Rothschilds. A document he was able to obtain from its website the play book which outlines in detail how COVID-19 is engineered to shift the world into a false sense of security. A hoax pandemic. For the purpose of acquisition, control, greed and the slow process of depopulation and using climate change as a key essential to override current policies that go against their directives and narratives. Here is a link literally type this into the search engine of Duckduckgo and you will here what is being said by the president of Ghana. But you must watch to the end to get a full picture on how this document describes to the last detail of what has, will and is happening right now and, to the next phase. This link is about change, literally, type in the link to access the biggest economic disaster for businesses if it's allowed to continue. Watch to the end...this was sent to me last night. Share, comment Time to oust the leaders in this deception and bring down a form of dictatorship, socialism and communism being used to unsettling the world situation.