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FAQs about It's Not Me, It's You:How many episodes does It's Not Me, It's You have?The podcast currently has 42 episodes available.
December 19, 2014It's Not Me, It's You - "Get Ready for 2015"The final show for 2014 will be a review of the show's year and we will give some ideas to make your 2015 a happy and healthy relationship year. Join us!!...more39minPlay
December 12, 2014It's Not Me, It's You - "Single and the Holidays"Being single over the holidays sucks. Join me as I share ways to cope and thrive....more23minPlay
December 05, 2014It's Not Me, It's You - "15 Questions"Join me as we will discuss 15 questions to ask someone you want to be in a long-term relationship with. Interesting and thought-provoking!!...more32minPlay
November 21, 2014It's Not Me, It's You - "Dealing With A Breakup"We've all gone through it. We might have to go through it again. The dreaded break up. Whether you're the dumper or the dumpee, I will share some ideas and tips on getting over it all and moving forward....more30minPlay
November 14, 2014It's Not Me, It's You - "Addicted To Love"Do you HAVE to always be in a relationship? Are you addicted to it? Listen this week as we discuss the reasons men and women feel they have to always be in love....more40minPlay
November 07, 2014It's Not Me, It's You - "Two Halves"Do two halves make a WHOLE relationship? Guest host Heather McHugh and I discuss why you need to be good with your own self before you can embark on a healthy relationship and how you can get there. Join us!!...more41minPlay
October 30, 2014It's Not Me, It's You - "Why Women Say No"Join me as I discuss several reasons why women say NO...Why they say no to a date, to sex, to marriage, to a breakup, to anything. Maybe there will be some ways men can help change those to a YES....more35minPlay
October 23, 2014It's Not Me, It's You - "When Friends Flirt"Join me as I will discuss what it means with friends playfully flirt with each other and how it should be handled. What if one of you takes the flirting too far?...more27minPlay
October 09, 2014It's Not Me, It's You - "Why Are We Still Single?"Join me this week as we discuss some of the reasons we are still single. Are we TOO picky nowadays? Let's find out....more27minPlay
October 02, 2014It's Not Me, It's You - "Emotional Availability"Are you emotionally available or unavailable in your relationship? Join me as I will share ways to tell if you or your partner is or not....more29minPlay
FAQs about It's Not Me, It's You:How many episodes does It's Not Me, It's You have?The podcast currently has 42 episodes available.