We are in a state of disruption, and I want to tell you to disrupt or be disrupted. This term disruptive innovation, disruptive creation, has been tossed to and fro but does not really come to full actualization until something else is flatlined. The flatline is the pulse and the beat of a business, an idea, or even a way of doing something. We have come to interrupt your regularly scheduled program so that you can do something new, something exciting, something that you haven't done before. You are on a brink of a breakthrough and therefore you cannot hold back now. It is time to put on a new set of specks so that you see things from another perspective and that you can see clearly what it is that's in front of you. Today, we are discussing business development. THinkers: Let's talk about vision, planning, insight, and implementation. Organizations: Let's talk about shifting resource allocations to build service lines that are lucrative, and leave the others on autopilot. If you know how and where to adjust your focus, you will see the diamond rough. Until next time. RISE!