If you are thinking about purchasing a physical interactive whiteboard, think again. By purchasing an iPad and software like Doceri, you probably could easily save your school about $1,000 or so (per classroom installation) and have an even more versatile tool than a fixed interactive whiteboard. And if the iPad travels with the teacher, then you have greater flexibility of use over a physical interactive whiteboard that is permanently mounted in one classroom location.
While these quickcast videos are not a comprehensive tutorial in how to use Doceri, they do provide a good overview of the current features of Doceri.
The good people at Doceri are actively working to add some very impressive features to their already awesome product. I don't know if I am at liberty to share those or not, but this will be a product to place on your watch list. They are actively working to leverage the unique power of Apple iOS devices to extend Doceri well beyond a mere content deliver mechanism. I am eager to see how this product, already the most powerful in its class in my opinion, evolves into a comprehensive tool that teachers will just not be able to live without.
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with nor am I receiving any consideration of any kind from Doceri or SP Controls, Inc., for bringing this product forward. I do so only because I would have to have and use it if I were working in the school setting. I use it now every time I present to educators.