It's been far too long, JAMmers! Welcome to Season 2, where the morning air is nippier and school is back in full swing. As always, we're excited to bring you our next interview, this time with fellow Hawkeye, Kobi Voshell!
It is safe to say that Kobi, a current third year dental student, has one of the more unique backgrounds among dental students anywhere. A nontraditional student as well as a father of two, he has faced (and continues to face) challenges most of us have not yet encountered: re-acclamation to rigorous schooling after a long time away from it, and finding a way to excel as a father and a student simultaneously. From Kobi himself, "Maybe somebody out there in the interwebs is listening to this, bouncing a baby on their knee and thinking 'I want to go to Dental School, I want to try it.' I'm out here to let you know that you can do it, you can try it, you can get in."