This election has been very chaotic and we’ve never seen anything like it. The is a grave DANGER we may lose control of this beautiful country and it’s generous people if we’re not careful. In third world countries elections take place and it’s usually the international community that oversees the process to make sure there’s no rigging. The other side always accuses the other side of fraud. Always. Then we have either an authoritarian regime or civil war. Here the process has played out and we’re nearing the end of one presidency to start another. However if we’re not careful and the loser doesn’t leave power to hold onto the chair as is said in authoritarian countries DEMOCRACY is the sacrificial lamb. All legal avenues have been sought and decision made. Move along now or USA USA USA USA will no longer be. If you cherish your freedom and you families and enjoy barbecues as well as spring break Christmas freedom pure life don’t let the system break down. What we got out of the election is all authoritarian-regimes overseas Jane now received a new lifeline. We can’t ask the people to rise against regimes when we’re about to join them it the same system. Be ware what steps you allow those who have nothing to lose take you down. Stand high and fight against anyone who is trying to send you to the abyss. I hope you learn something from the podcast. You can always leave me a message to talk about this and other topics. Thank you and happy holidays. I Hope.
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